
Tee leveling

Over the next few months we will start leveling and enlarging some select tees. Over the years the tees have developed a crown or hump in the center of the tee. This happens after decades of divot mix being applied to the tees to fill divots. The new tees are first being striped of sod then leveled. Some of the tees are also being enlarged to accommodate our large triplex tee mowers. These new tee boxes will give the golfer a better stance and more teeing area. Some of the tees that are being leveled or enlarged are as follows. #7 mountain men's and pro, #13 men's and pro, #6 mountain ladies, #5 mountain pro. This tee leveling project is a long term project that we will be tackling over the next few years. We are putting a priority on the worst tees and then addressing the rest of the tees that need work.

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