
Bunker Drainage

Now with a full crew and aerification in our rear view mirror we have started on our bunker drainage project. The bunker drainage project will be a ongoing project for the next few years. Most of the work will be in our shoulder seasons like spring and fall. We have identified many bunkers that have inadequate drainage. We will work on them in order of priority. This is a long tedious process because all the work has to be done by hand. First we find the main drain line then remove the sand from those areas. When we find the drain we now can start to add herringbone drains to the main. For example the right hand bunker on #18 only had one main drain down the center. Now the bunker has nine herringbone drains attached to the main drain.
The addition of the drains will help drain the water from irrigation events and any rain fall.

Bunker #18
Only one drainage trench down the middle of the bunker

Adding herringbone drains off of main

Finished herringbone drain on chipping green bunker

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