
Impulse REVAMPS!

Impulse, is a brand that brings me back into the past. Back to my primary school and high school days where girls would have Impulse deo-sprays in their bags. And it was after P.E. classes, lunch or recess that we'd stink up and ask each other, "Hey. Do you have any Impulse?". 

Hahahaha. I've actually never owned a spray by Impulse. Not because they weren't affordable, but because I've never really cared too much about sprays. I use whatever my mum buys home, but I've actually never brought them to school.... because they just didn't look pretty like those from Impulse. I was a teen, okay?!

Back in my years, Impulse's sprays looked something like this...

I've never gone near them, even after high school. The sprays just makes me feel like a young teen. In my mind, it's the same idea of listening to a song that reminds you of a particular phase, you know?

But I got mailed just yesterday!.

Three of their scents, in the new, revamped packaging!

I actually had a peek at their press release prior to the surprise mail that came through. Initially, I was planning to show you guys the press-release photos that hit my inbox. I actually thought they were really pretty illustrations, but now I can show you guys some of the products in my own photos! AND sniff and tell too!

All three comes in metallic-gold packaging, with a twisted, covered top.

I suck at describing scents though... so here goes.......

Romantic Sparks (violets and wood)
Perfectly suited name. Reminds me of what I'd wear on my first [teenage] date. Floral scent, a bit overwhelming for my personal preference. I don't usually go for floral-scented perfumes. Fruities are my favez!

Merely Musk (lime and sandalwood)
I actually like this much more than Romantic Spark. Not as overwhelming, very fresh and clean with a spark. This is actually my favourite sniff out of the three. (´ω`★)

Illusions (rose and sandawood)
This is a confusing one for me. My sister prefers this out of the three though. It's not strong like Romantic Spark, but still a floral vibe. My favourite is still Merely Musk!

So those were the ones which were sent to me! These are marked as "perfume in a spray". Don't underestimate em'. They are really perfume packed in a spray. The less is more!

I'll show you the other pretty illustrations for the other scents they have though! I'm actually more eggcited to show you the illustrations more than anything, haha. ヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿

Love Story (violet and raspberry)

Sweet Smile (pear and jasmine)

Into Glamour (sandalwood and vanilla)

Very Pink (roses and grapefruit)

Tease (red fruits and woods)

Goddess (gardenia and pear)

That's it! Aren't the illustrations pretty? Matches the packaging!

I will go take a sniff sniff at Into Glamour. I love everything vanilla-scented, so I'm keen to see what it's like!

If you're a keen bean on these, they are on sale at Priceline at the moment. Half price until 22 October, so only $2.50 each for now!

Disclaimer: Products mentioned in this post were provided for review consideration only.

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